Friday, February 24, 2006

God and war

I was raised as a Christian, but I'm the first to admit that my faith has wavered during this deployment. A friend sent this to me and it made me cry for a couple of reasons. One, of course I thought of my husband and how fervently we pray for his safety and despite a couple of close calls he's 99.9 percent whole (some hearing lost due to one IED he was in). Two, I wonder where God was when the 2,200 plus soldiers and Marines were killed and the thousands of others wounded. Wasn't someone praying for them too? I know, I know, this is war. I guess having strength in God doesn't mean you'll live a perfect, safe life. I think prayers are for us mere mortals, so we can have some peace of mind in this crazy world.


Silver said...

I'll keep my trap shut on the religion talk, because I know I could upset someone, and that's not what I want to do.

I will say this, be positive, and we're all pulling for you and your family. War is an ugly thing unfortunately... :-(

Heather Hansen said...

No man knows the mind of God. ;)

Don't let your faith waiver. Use this time to let God streangthen you. Lean on him for your support.

I know it's hard. And by saying I know, I KNOW. There are days when you just want to stay in bed and cry but you can't because the kids need to be fed.

Hang in there. It's almost over.

R2B said...

I feel for you..the sooner this stupid thing is over the better!