Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Achilles heel in the face

Fox Fact: 18 percent of men said they didn't hire a woman because she was too attractive. THAT's why I haven't found a job yet. What a relief! For a while there I thought my interviewers were actually looking at my resume and all my education wasn't worth a dime. Well, I'll just dress down for my next interview.

So, who wants to join me in the fight for all beautiful women everywhere who lost a job because some guy has no self control? I can see it now, Norma Rae meets America's Next Top Model. The lead role can be played by Halle Berry or Charlize Theron since they are familiar with the struggles of drop-dead-gorgeous looks and the freedom that ugliness brings, not to mention Oscars. (In Charlize's case, I really think her makeup and hair artists should have won an Academy Award too.)

Obviously this poll excluded Hooters, plastic surgeons' offices, everyone in Hollywood and half of NYC.

But seriously, what's up with men who can't you know...keep it together? Is there an actual lesson in this poll besides the fact that pollsters have run out of questions? It is sort of related to the idea that women should walk around draped in lose clothing that hangs to the wrists and ankles (or in extreme cases - burqas) so men won't be tempted. Why is it our responsibility to keep the world's eyes averted?


Anonymous said...

Are you kidding, I once didn't want to choose a candidate because she was too pretty and I didn't want to be outshined... Watch out for other beautiful woman protecting their territory. She worked out fine, but still gets more attention. I am such an attention whore...

your anonymous twin...

Anonymous said...

Hmm, was this more about the perils of being beautiful or of dressing like a tramp? Or a psuedo-tramp who unfortunately took "Ally McBeal" at face value?? Hmmm??

Anonymous said...

First off, I'll assume that the poll to which you refer excludes those men who hire prostitutes. Now, on to bigger and better things. It is entirely appropriate for a man not to hire a woman because of her looks, exceptional or otherwise, and I'll tell you why. Women, almost ALL women, routinely pimp out their good looks to the highest bidder on a daily basis. From getting out of speeding tickets, to getting free drinks at a club, to getting jobs they are otherwise grossly under-qualified for, to getting the benefit of the doubt, to just plain receiving better treatment in all aspects of life. Your typical above-average-in-looks woman would say "But I didn't ask for those things, guys just do it". To that I say "Yeah right". Women, as a whole, use their looks for whatever advantage they can gain from them. They use both verbal and non-verbal forms of communication to consistently minipulate men into performing all kinds of dastardly deeds. That is not to say those women are highly intelligent, or unintelligent for that matter. They are just women. Men are permanently disadvantaged because testosterone rules our every fiber of being. Too bad, so sad, not our fault. Those women who love to live by the sword will one day die by that very sword which has sustained them far beyond that to which they deserved!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my god, is this misanthrope for real? I don't totally disagree with the commentary BUT I think attractive men are JUST as guilty as this. If you have ever done any actual study on the subject (which seems to clearly be a "no"), you would know that attractive people in general are more successful in the corporate world. And TALL WHITE MEN are the most successful! I guess that must be because they pimp out their height all day long!!! What do you think, might it be because no one wants to look at ugly people all day long? I'm guessing you must have some personal experience of that, eh?

MQ said...

Wow. Ouch. That last comment got a little personal...

Silver said...

Glad I don't fall into that category of one of the men who won't hire a good looking woman. If you saw my coworker who I supervise, yeowza, she's hot. :-)

Silver said...

But that's not to say that she was hired based on looks. Trust me, she knows her shit when it comes to the work she does. She's a freak'n machine!

Just wanted to clarify just in case. :-)