Friday, June 08, 2007

Scared Straight with Paris Hilton

I am basking in schadenfreude over Paris' return to prison. I could not believe that she got out of jail, leaving us all to speculate what she DID to arrange that, right? wink. wink.

I know that 23 hours a day alone would probably send me into a nervous breakdown too, if my very heart pumping and blood flowing depended on someone with a light and a camera around me 24 hours a day, but seriously (you know where this is going right?) over a million service members from this war alone have spent YEARS, YEARS!! away from their families in a little place called hell Iraq, and don't throw the fit she has. Give her a tranquilizer, or, say, I don't know - a book (same effect I suppose), and turn the camera's off.

And, I truly hope this teaches her and her ilk that you cannot drink and drive!! What if she had killed someone!!!??

Let's all stop patronizing the entire family of Hilton services. I know I did a long time ago.


Nicole said...

That's my thing...the media is feeding this whole ordeal or debacle of justice of whatever it should be called. In fact, the media feeds Paris and if they could just turn away from $$$ and ratings for a couple of seconds and give her the silent treatment, she'd probably go away like the other celebs who have faded from the spotlight. After all, she's not even a bonafied celebrity! But I's really sad that she's taking up so much network air space.

Silver said...

Here here!! The "Get Out of Jail Free" card expired. I hope this experience changes her forever into a responsible human being.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Well hey there! Long time no see! Hope you are all well!

Kayli Marie said...

hi there! my name is Kayli, I'm an army girlfriend. i came upon your blog and I enjoy reading it. Glad your hubby made it home safe! :o]

Kayli Marie said...

i'm going to add you to my "favorites" list if that is okay