Sunday, July 09, 2006

Nothing goin' on here

Not much is going on here. Just housecleaning, decorating and checking tasks off the to do list that's been building for about 400 days.

30 Days till Terry gets home


Anonymous said...

Nothing like leaving what needs to be done until it needs to be done.


Anonymous said...

Uh oh, crunch time. Good luck on all the preparation. I know how happy you and Terry will be to have some normalcy back. cw

Nicole said...

I'll be counting down the days with you :) 400 days??? Wow! You are amazing!!! I thought 366 was a lot...the end is near!

Anonymous said...

That's it? No problems with parking spaces? No issues with renegade pharmacists? No encounters with Neo-Nazi, David Duke loving convenience store clerks? Damn. I'm gonna have to work today :(

Anonymous said...

Nicole it more like 450! trust me I suffered through every one of them ugh

CPT Terry