Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Job hunting requires actual weapons

Today, I spent 10 minutes looking for parking in a packed metro lot and resorted to stalking a woman to the point of offering her a ride to her car just to get her spot, opened my car door to a blast of air so hot it can only be described as the breath of Satan after a bag of Spicy Nacho Doritos, and thought, "If I turn back now, I can still catch the 1:30 of You, Me and Dupree before the boys need to be picked up." That was my mental state as I dragged my butt to a job fair downtown.

Today, I nearly went on a killing spree on the train. First there was the metro driver who was clearly testing the government's committment to never fire anyone. To add to this vomit inducing brake-gas-brake-gas ride two young women walk on hollering their conversation to the other five riders in our car. You know the type I'm talking about. They usually sit behind you in the movies and both talk on their cell phones the entire time. The cherry on top of this ice cream sunday ride into the city was a young man who announced his presence on the train - with drumsticks. He beat, rat-a-tat-tat on the doorway coming in. He tappity-tap, tappity-tapped his way to his seat before playing a full set on the window until the next stop. I turn my head and talk to my wrist, "Sniper, fire at will." (Actually I decided it would reflect badly on America in general if I did not survive a downtown train ride wearing heels and an Ann Taylor suit, while my camo-clad husband and his M-16 makes it safely back from war.)

Today, I met a man at the job fair. He's good looking and I'm already thinking about how to let him down easy. I learn his life story. He moved here for his wife whose family lives here and thought it would be better for their two boys (ages 2 and 6), and then she promptly divorced him. He asks why I moved here. I say because of my husband's job - and watch his reaction. Steady face, good, good, responds with an appropriate question to hide the dissapointment. Two incredibly beautiful women walk up to us. Both know him. Wow, this man has got GAME! And apparently his wife wasn't playin'.

Today, I saw a man actually reading the Art of War.

Today, I realized my apathy towards getting a job has crystallized.

21 Days until Terry is home and I will reconsider getting a job outside the home


Brandon Cackowski-Schnell said...

I'm in the middle of a job hunt as well and it sucks rocks. MQ, we should go into business together so that neither of us needs to find a job. How we'll get paid to, you know, not do anything I haven't worked out yet, but I'm sure you'll come up with something. ;)

Anonymous said...

Interesting blog today....rather enjoyed it.

Keep your head up.....Vince Lombardi stated, "The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.

Anonymous said...

A good looking man speaks to you and the necessary conclusion is that he wants to sleep with/date you. Your defining characteristics, above even sloth and mediocre writing marked by poor grammar, appear to be conceit and presumptuousness. Good thing for him that you plan on letting him down easy. Surely the gentlemen was incapable of constraining his lust in the presence of a married, unemployed, indolent and vain mother of two who finds riding a commuter train into the city on one occasion to be a trying endeavor. MQ, please don’t tempt the men of the outside world so. Remain at your computer so that only your virtual friends are compelled to pleasure themselves while gazing at your blinding beauty and devouring your momentous and eloquent blogs ... don’t worry, one will assuredly put off feeding his many cats to defend you below.

Christina_the_wench said...

so into you... apparently sarcasm is lost on you. Pity. No blog link either? Again, pity. We'd all be clamoring to get to it.(snickering loudly)

MQ - I loved the post. Write on, girl.

Anonymous said...

pity? Maybe.
But someone has got to be honest rather than feeding the compliments due to the 'poor me, the world owes me something' attitude.

MQ, unfortunately this is what you are going to get with your writing - your posts are very insightful. You need to go back through your posts and determine who you really are. I think you will be disappointed in some of your comments. Read it as if you are not reading about yourself and you do not know all of the details of the subject matter (just like your readers).

Although intended in sarcasm or written in frustration, your writing doesn't show to it and is taken as your honest opinion of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Yes we do need more honesty in the blogosphere, just like you said anonymous blog commenter.

Superstar said...

WHOOAAAAAA BACK anonyomos blogger....You need to just take a deep breath and back of the MQ. She is a mother of a man in the armed forces, who, WANTS to work in addition to raising her children WHILE her husband is away at war. ~tapping foot~ AT WAR defending YOUR ANONYOMOUS right to the 1st amendment...What a jackazz.

MQ: I too am searching for a new job/career and it is no picnic. I truely couldn't stop laughing with the whole car ride and train depiction of the "drummer wanna be"...BAWAAAHHHHHAAAA

ditzymoi said...

I for one love humor laced with sarcasm. I really enjoyed your story too...
Im also fond of standing up for what I believe and saying what I think, but I do it with my name and web address showing. I dont feel the need to hide behind a login of anonymous.
So dear anonymous dont delude yourself in to thinking you were just being honest...what it is really is just mean spiritedness and a desire to be nasty without any reprucussions ...oops i think i spelled that wrong ...i should be banned from bloggerdom :)

Nikki said...

so into you - let me put this as simply as possible . . .


Now go get the tweezers and go play with yourself.

Write on MQ. Please excuse my language, I hope I didn't offend YOU.

Christina_the_wench said...

The meds that Nikki is on are awesome. Pass them over here, girlie. *holds out hand*

And who called the blog critic police? Anyone? Anyone? Didn't think so. Yeah, it's MY First Amendment too before you go there.

MQ said...

SJ - I'm sure we can work out a way be lazy, vain, people and get paid. Hell, look at Paris Hilton and her ilk

r martini - Ahhh will, a power as elusive to me as mind reading these days :) I'll find it eventually...

Wench - I can't write that word without giggling :) I just have no words for people who are mean for the sake of being mean. Well actually I think Nikki had two good words for them...

Superstar - no crap! Hello, even if this jerk was right you would think the whole soldier in Iraq thing would soften the verbal blow, or the fact that yes, I AM a full time mom who wants a job would paint me as something other than lazy, sheesh...And actually the drummer guy was such a Seinfeld moment. All the other riders had this "WTF?" look on their faces cause normally it's pretty peaceful on the train.

Kim - I make it a policy to always insult someone with my blog address attached :) And most of what I write is drrrrenched in sarcasm..Welcome to the blog!!

Nikki - How could I be offended by such brevity? I got a good laugh out of it and it's only fair that we keep it simple for the simple-minded.

Gingers Mom said...

My husband read Art of War. I think he's really a nerd. Thanks to you and your hubby for supporting our great nation. My husband is in the Navy. Us gals gotta stick together!
This anonymous person can kiss off...