Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Blogging obsolete?

So I read that bloggers paid to write snarky comments will be obsolete in ten years. I say if they keep producing content like this they'll be in a Newseum :)

An excerpt:

From Brad Pitt to Ben Affleck to Luke Wilson, it was a delight to watch
Gwyn date. Brad called her his “angel.” They wore matching hairstyles. And you
just know that Ben called home and said, “Ma, I’m seeing a real lady.”

When each relationship inevitably crumbled, I waited for Gwyneth to be “just like
me.” To show up at Brad’s house, tear-stained and wearing footie pajamas. Or
perhaps drunk-dial Oprah, or rebound with someone wildly inappropriate — like
Flavor Flav.

The blogger from whom this article was written resides here Read her blog. Make your voice be heard. We smart ass bloggers will never retreat!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I don't know, Flavor Flav is a real catch... Just ask the woman signing up for a second season of Flavor of Love.

CaliValleyGirl said...

I happened upon a blogger chick yesterday, whom I think you might enjoy:

Brandon Cackowski-Schnell said...

As long as I have a lawn to mow, I'll write about it! Wait, how is that better? ;)