My sister in law (SIL) was here, visiting from the Netherlands and recovering from taking the Bar exam (in the States). I was looking forward to having family around and chomping at the bit to get out and have some fun.
We prefunked at this place where you can get THE BEST Thai food, mixed drinks and a view in a hip and cozy atmosphere for about $30 and then we went to a popular Irish pub where two old men tried to charm us with their stories of 23-year old girlfriends and Navy days. SIL and I just accepted the free drinks and played along until they realized I was married and she wasn't interested. Apparently these guys thought they were an older, but just as hip, Sex and the City type. They weren't.
The Irish singer/guitar player made my night by telling some guys standing near me that he saw me in a Victoria's Secret catalogue, the point at which we needed to leave because it wasn't going to get any better than that. But it kinda did...
I mistook a woman for a gay man.
SIL broke the heart of a young Marine for whom we created a Sliding Doors scenario about the what ifs surrounding SIL's possible responses to his attention, all of which involved him dying of syphilis from either a broken heart or unmet expectations. I guess you would have to be there to get that one....
My tolerance level is rising. After one of these

a beer and one mixed drink, I was stone sober. Seriously. That's a bad thing right? Well, I guess it was spread out over six hours. But I let SIL think I was drunk to explain why I was videotaping her laughing her ass off on the loo.
My swimming lessons (yes, swimming LESSONS) were frustrating enough without my discovery later that evening. I could not master the underwater flip. Every time I bubbled up for air I was on my side and water was filling my ear and draining into my nose and mouth. I was determined to get it (the flip, not a brain) but ran out of time because we had to get to our overpriced facials at Aveda. After 75 minutes of having a stranger rub my face and extract blackheads I didn't know I had (all wonderfully relaxing of course) we ate underwhelming food at La Creperie and went home to relax for the evening out.
We met up with friends of hers in DC who took us to this new Italian place on U street. When snapping photos of each other, I discovered video. Of Me. On SIL's camera. Failing to perform the underwater flip. I holler and berate her to the annoyance of the snobby patrons while she fails to deliver a believable apology through her laughing. It's ok, someone wine spilled on her new shirt. Karma baby :) (Love you KO!)
Skipped church and slept in. SIL took Gabe too see a movie and Asher and I grocery shopped. Great weekend.
Earlier today:
The scene: A stretch of road, recently finished, that leads directly to my neighborhood. Once cops figure out that everyone goes about 20 over the 35 MPH speed limit, they'll be able to pay off the national deficit.
The crime: My car could swallow this sweet Corolla in front of me so, like a schoolyard bully, I ride it's butt, urging it on. "C'mon Dude! You're going like," I glance at the speedometer, "35." Oh.
The punishment: I have to pay my sitter an extra dime. Jerk Corolla.
Oh Aveda...I do miss it. *sigh*
I'm still giggling over the old men with their Navy stories, and 23 year old girlfriends. That and the picture of you with that drink.....mmmm, looks delicious.
I'm talking about the drink...
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