Saturday, November 05, 2005

The rule of law or the spirit of the law?

So I am actively soliciting feedback from ya'll today.

But first, it was absolutely gorgeous outside and Gabriel had a fabulous last soccer game. He really got in there and fought for the ball. Go Gabey!! I hired a babysitter for Asher since the game was right in the middle of his naptime and oh what the hell...I prefer not to chase him off the field for the entire soccer game. Also, today was the last flu clinic at my local grocery store and although the boys got their shots about a month ago at the doc's office, I wanted to make sure I didn't get sick either. I'm a big wimp about getting the flu and I don't need to remind you all that I am A-L-O-N-E so I need to stay as healthy as possible.

So that leads me to my question. Here's the scenario. Still having flashbacks from the 3.5 hours I stood in line to (unsuccessfully) see Rosa Parks' body, I call ahead to the store to scope out the situation before standing in line for hours and hours for a flu shot. Turns out there are still some left and I can pick up a number. So, right before the soccer game I breeze in and snag number 133 of 150 shots. They tell me to come back in about an hour and a half and my number should be up. "Great!" I think. That's just enough time after Gabe's game to get back to the store in time for my shot. I secretly snicker at all the sad looking people waiting in line to get their shot and think I've outsmarted the system, only to come back an hour later and find the line exactly the same; different people, same loooong line.

I ask the lady at the end what her number is: 146. Oh, I think. That means I should be up there somewhere. The nice lady she decided not to cut because all these people have been waiting so patiently she thought she should wait her turn too. Now, I was told that I could jump in line with my number but clearly NOONE is doing that. I ask a few people what their number is anyway, and I find 134. I laugh nervously about finding my place in line and sort of scooch in there. EVERYONE is glaring at me. Gabe's complaining about the long wait ahead so I succumb to the death stares, inch away from the line and break out into a run to my car to take Gabe home to the babysitter. Needless to say I came back to a line that had not moved, reclaimed my place in line - at the end. I just couldn't handle the glares for an hour, which was how long the wait still was even with my number.

Should I have claimed my place as 133? Or did I do the morally correct thing by following the spirit of the system and getting at the end of the line. By the "rules" I could have jumped ahead. Tell me: what would you have done?


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I would have gone directly to the end of the line.. but, then, I AM a wimp when it comes to facing the pack mentaility (with a combined IQ of 72).

Actually, I think it's only fair to wait in line like everyone else.

PS: Thanks so much for the card! You are such a better friend than me!! xoxo

Anonymous said...

I would wait in line since everyone else had to wait. A line is a line and there were probably people worse off healthwise than you waiting in the line. 2 cents

MQ said...
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