Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Kids Say...part V

This should actually be titled, "Kids DO the darndest things," because Asher managed to figure out how to lock one of our televisions. This means it's basically frozen on the channel and nothing can be changed.

I'm half asleep on the bed and Asher is watching Elmo when suddenly a small red key appears on the screen. I try to change the channel to test my theory that it is indeed, stuck. I'm right. I do what every IT department is paid to tell employees to do - reboot. I turn it off then on. Little red key appears. Ok, I'll REALLY reboot. I unplug it. Waiting ten seconds. Plug it in. Turn it on. Nothing. Arggggh.

This is the point where you are frustrated and mad at yourself for getting frustrated.

After several attemps it finally turns on. Hello my little red friend.

I run downstairs and look for the manual I know I just saw and probably threw away because the DVD function on the TV is broken and assuming it is permanent I toss the manual. I'll just wait for the entire system to break and then get a new one, I'm thinking. Well, now I'm irritated because I just fell victim to Murphy's Law #112.

I turn to my last resort. Google. I find the manual on the manufacturer's website and this is what it says:

Child Lock
The Child Lock feature prevents unauthorized viewing of the
TV. To activate, press and hold the F key, and
then press MUTE. You should
see a key symbol appear on the screen. This will lock out all remote
(except for Standby). To unlock the TV, press and hold the F key
and press MUTE. This will unlock the TV.
Please note that the only way to
activate or deactivate the Child Lock feature is via remote control -
insure that it is stored securely.

Now, I ask you. How in the hell did a two-year-old figure that out?


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking Elmo walked him through it. Probably those muppets are also saying "Paul is dead, Paul is dead" when you listen to them backwards. ;-)

Silver said...

That's awesome. It's funny though because as the years go by, grown ups are amazed what kids can do at such young ages.

I got those same looks from my folks and other relatives who always asked, "You're so young, how do you know how to do that?" And there I was as a little kid thinking to myself, " was easy."