With feeling: Chooooooocccaaaalllllatte
Well, I decided not to write the book. At least not now or for that outlet and it's a good thing because last week I got another writing job with another military market magazine. I'm excited and occasionally want to throw up from fear I cannot write for two magazines and work 26 hours a week and not leave my children manging for crumbs in the kitchen. I'm plotting my long term strategy right now.
In other news, our deck is finished. Yeaaah!!!! And Terry only ended up falling on a table saw, crushing his leg, and hammering his thumb. Totally worth it. Our holiday open house is December 8, so if you want to come, send me an email ;)
My pretty little kitchen that I can now abandon since Terry promised he would grill everyday if I let him build his deck. Ain't love grand?