Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Anna, Jury duty and Polygamists

Can someone please explain to me why men are coming out of the woodwork to claim ANS's baby? Is this just about money? Not to be rude, but what else could it be? They weren't fighting like this before she died...well, two of the four men involved weren't before...

I had jury duty on Tuesday and got more done on my article for my latest gig sitting in the jury room than in my own home. It was quiet and I had nothing to do but write.

I got myself kicked off one jury (civil) trial I think by saying my husband was a lawyer and I have friends who received settlements similar to the one the plaintiff was seeking, AND I said my son was getting out of school two hours early (snow) and was concerned about getting home in time for him. I was so relieved when they sent us back to the jury waiting room. Now, just one more day next week and I'm good for three years!

My last random note of the day is the Primetime story about the polygamists in Utah. It wasn't your same old poly story. They seemed pretty normal - except for the part where the women don't aspire to be anything more than baby making machines and "sister wives" and believe that African Americans are cursed by God. My question is, do not ONE of those women have any dreams for their lives outside of the man their church leaders dictate that they marry? Women have contributed so much to medicine, law, science, etc., are we missing out on potential cures, inventions, art through these religious cultures that create drones? It's sad and frightening what religion can do. I don't mean believing in God as your personal savior - I mean RELIGION.


Anonymous said...

MQ- We all know that at least 3 out of the 4 guys are in it for the money. But, I also believe that all 4 of them want the world to know about their alleged sexual prowess. Finding the Holy Grail...extraordinarily difficult. Having sex with ANS...can you say CASH ON DELIVERY? It's as if having sex with ANS was the pinnacle of their existence on this planet. It may have been! And then there's the fact that they're golddigging from a deceased golddigger. WTF! Moving on...

I hope the civil case wasn't a frivolous lawsuit, i.e. obese girl suing Mcdonald's for making her that way. Your hubby and I will never make it on any jury. We will have to live vicariously through you. Let me know if you get a nice criminal case. Lastly...

I didn't see that report that you reference. I've seen others, i.e. Warren Jeffs, but I din't know they were bigots too. He was also a pedophile as well as a polygamist cult leader. These women may aspire to have very different lives, but for many I believe they are trapped because this is the only life they know. These people do not tolerate outsiders. The only way we can find out what's going on within these religions/cults is if one decides to "escape" from that life. Being recently divorced, I like the whole concept of sister-girlfriends, not sister-wives. I'm kidding. They can call themselves co-workers, just don't call me late for the board meeting. LOL But seriously, women should be allowed to vote, own property, work, and drive cars. If it gets put on a ballot, I'll vote YES! :)I mean WTF, we're not in the Middle East! Public hangings/stonings for women walking in public with a male who is not in her family? Honor killings of innocent girls/women because they were raped, therefore have brought "shame" to the family? Sunnis and Shias slaughtering each other, and American troops BTW, because they're fighting a 1300 year old fight? WTF!!!!!!!!!!! Comparatively speaking MQ, I see more good in the polygamist community than I do with Islam. Case in point...Danish cartoon prints a satirical cartoon mocking allah. The world's entire muslim community vehemently protests and the newspaper is forced to apologize. muslims around the world are outraged at the insult. Meanwhile...Nicolas Berg, as well as many others, is savagely beheaded on camera. Where is the outrage from the muslim community? Oh yeah, I forgot, he was a Jew. This is the mentality for the overwhelming majority of muslims. But, the indifference is not limited to just Jews. All westerners, yes infidels, are equally despised throughout the middle east. I'm sure there are good and decent muslims around the world. Where are you? Why are you not screaming from the tops of your lungs denouncing this savage behavior? Marco...Marco...Marco... That's my point.


Anonymous said...

MQ- when I stated in my previous post that I saw more good in the polygamist community, I was obviously not referring to Warren Jeffs and his pedophilia. I was referring only to the whole multiple wives story you mentioned. I'm sure you realize this already, but I wanted to clarify that before you started getting posts portaying me as some kind of scumbag. I should have qualified my comment, but I was on a rant and didn't realize how it could be interpreted. Thank God I live in America, and not some other dry, desolate, 8th world country where I could get my fingers chopped off for erroneously typing such a thing. Happy U.S. PRESIDENT'S DAY to all!


Anonymous said...

Jury Duty...
Why is Jury Duty looked on with such disdain? Not saying you do, but really, why do people try to avoid it? I personally like the idea of looking into someones life story. What brought them here, what will the future hold for them. Blah blah blah... I got to go on my first drive-along with Marc this week. Very slow night. That is, until he performed a routine traffic stop 20 minutes before going home. It was intended to be a catch and release with a warning. For goodness sake, the rear brake light was cracked exposing the white light. No big deal right? That is, unless you have a felony warrant and you claim to not have ID (we didn't know about the warrant until way later). It was really humorous, and I know Marc was pissed because the kid kept giving him wrong information. The only thing stopping him from ripping the car apart was that there was a girl and her young baby in the car and his back-up wasn't there yet. She would have had to sit on the sidewalk in the cold with the baby. He finally reasoned with the girl who gave up the dude's wallet. I felt really bad for the baby and was hoping he would search the car. You just know there were drugs in there.
Anyway, I would love to be junior detective anytime. I had fun trying to crack the case of the missing identity. The kid sounded like he barely had pubes and he claimed to be 33. I asked Marc to ask him what year he graduated high school. He didn't know. He thought it was around 84. He ended up being 22 and had booking photos dating back to when he was 15. So sad. I hope he gets the help/punishment he needs to go one to function in life. I hope he gets a fair trial and I hope he gets off the drugs that are ruining his life.

Ok, I am done taking your blog hostage! Seriously, try to get on a trial. I think it would be fun. I haven't been called in years. The last time I was called, it was a slow court week and was dismissed early.

Nicole said...

I saw a similar story on one of the news shows a while back. They had a big group of poly husbands and their wives (of course, the wives far outnumbered the husbands!) and they sort of had a "discussion" about why they love their lives. I, too, thought it sad that the women seemed so brainwashed into believing that a life of almost complete non-materialism and house chores, along with sharing a husband with other women, was a "wonderful life." Of course, we get started on the religious fanatics in our country, we might go on forever! Yikes!!

Anonymous said...

Well, I personally feel kind of sorry for ANS, because her son had just died in the last month, and who knows how quickly any of us would fall apart under those circumstances? Parasites coming out of the woodwork, though.