Wednesday, August 24, 2005


So, here I am. Been a rough past couple of days. But life goes on right?

We borrowed an idea from another wife and counted out an M&M for each day that he'll be gone. We eat one every night and so far Gabe's been good about not sneaking ;)

We went to DC and had a great time at the annual Lego Convention. Yes, we're one step away from the Star Wars convention. There were actually some really incredible creations there. Have I already talked about this?...

This is an entire race track complete with fans built out of Legos!

I found a mommy group called Mocha Moms for women of color. Isn't that great? Mocha Moms. I thought it was for fellow mommy/Starbucks lovers, but this will be fun too. :0) First meeting tomorrow, hope it goes well. I also went to my church again, the one I haven't been so fond of, but I decided I couldn't wait for an evangelist to knock on my door for a church to go to. Besides I would not have listened anyway ;) Hmmm what else. I have a new BFF. I hope she doesn't think I'm a stalker, because I'm so excited to have a friend near by who is in the same situation. We call each other almost everyday and it's one of those (drop on by anytime) relationships, just to check in on each other. She took me to the Marine Corps band performance you can see below.

Also, we have a date this weekend. I'm telling you I'm going to be on her like peanut butter on jelly, white on rice, Paris Hilton in Pink you get my drift.

Oh did you see I got an anonymous comment on one of my posts? Yeah, someone out there likes me but not Bush. So what's new?

Since I forget everything I want to say when I sit down to write this thing I decided it's time for a list. Things I would like to do one day:
Fly a plane
Own a motorcycle
Learn how to shoot a gun
Eat Sushi ( I haven't had the opportunity yet)
Drink a REALLY expensive bottle of wine, just to see what the fuss is all about
Learn to dive

Things I will never do
Eat a bug
Enjoy cooking
Shave my head
Run for office

So that's all for now folks...

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