Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Narcissis' Kiss of Death

I had the worst day yesterday. Gabe and I had a day planned out. Asher was in daycare for several hours, I had a hair appointment and was excited to be looking fresh and fabulous for my trip and reunion. Instead I left the salon after four hours, with very short, very thinned, wet, half purple hair. It was the proverbial straw that sent me into hysteria on the phone with my friend.

All the stress of taking care of my house, traveling and thinking about Terry came out in one sobbing phone call. But I needed it. Today I'm still so upset about my hair I'm scaring myself. It's now dark black (Yes there is such a thing) but still way too short for me. She thinned it out (something I will NEVER let a hairdresser do to me again) so now I look like Ashley Simpson's evil twin with shorter hair or something. I'm hoping that when I get to Seattle I can find a colorist to at least lighten it up a bit. I'm so upset about it though! I feel ugly, just because of my hair. I never realized how important that part of looking good was or how important looking good was to ME.

The good news is I got another publication, a book review. Not paid but still good for my writing muscles and self esteem, which is on life support right now...

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