Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Thanksgiving...Christmas...Asher's birthday

We had a lovely Thanksgiving at the home of an Army family we have come to know. Actually she is the XO of another brigade but they've adopted me since the families in my unit don't live near by. Her sister took photos of us while we were there.

I might use this one for the Christmas card. Aren't they sweet?!

mmmmm dinner...I think. I didn't really get to eat since I was running interference for Asher.

This is such a sign of the times. Terry was able to "attend" Asher's birthday party last Sunday via the web cam. He was like this computer head that chimed in here and there with, "move the camera I can't see" or cracking a joke or something. Asher would run up to the monitor every few minutes and say, "dadda, dadda!" It was bittersweet and he had a few tears, missing the boys.

We set up the tree! I bought a fake since we need it to last for a couple of months. We're leaving it up until Terry comes home on leave in January. I have to say it looks pretty darn good and we got a 71/2 foot tree for only $59. Gotta love Home and Garden on base! Gabe was so enthused about decorating. Asher's wheels were already turning, "what could I do to really shake things up around here, moohhahahahahah"

I had to rearrange the living room to make space for the tree. I think I'll leave it this way even after the tree comes down...

I just love this photo because Gabe is such a big helper for me. He puts Ash in his highchair and feeds him! I am blessed. This holiday season I am thankful for my husband's safety, and my two healthy, lovely boys.


Silver said...

That's awesome. At least he got to see his daddy. Hope the Holidays for you and your kids are warm and merry.

MQ said...

Thanks mr silverblood! Hope you have a great holiday too. "God bless" this holiday season to you and all my new blog buddies! May I never spend another Christmas without my husband!!! :)

Redneck Publius said...

God Bless you Monique!! Hang in there girl. Hard times come and go in the military as you know, but there is always (always) light at the end of the tunnel.

Have a happy holiday season!!


MQ said...

Thanks Tbone. Same to you!

Antek said...

Those pics are great... you have a very lovely family. I hope that you have one of the best holidays ever and that this really is the last one that you have to spend without your husband.